Your property.
Your playground.
Your park.

5605 Hwy 93 South
Whitefish, MT 59937

Whitefish River Restoration

Forestoration took part in the multi-year environmental clean-up of the Whitefish River, which had been contaminated over years by petroleum leaching through the ground from a nearby railroad fueling depot. Envirocon excavated the contaminated soils from the river bottom and adjacent embankments while Forestoration installed bio-degradable erosion control materials as well as native plants along thousands of feet of river frontage where the excavation had removed the vegetation. This project required using a motor boat and barge to shuttle materials, equipment, and crew members up and down the river. Forestoration also provided project maintenance services such as noxious weed control, irrigation, and additional plantings over a 5-year period.


5605 Hwy 93 South
Whitefish, MT 59937

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